Co-written by Texas Slim and Giulia Ricca

Unearthing Truths from the Soil of the American Heartland

In the vast expanses of the American agricultural landscape, there's a story that's been overshadowed by commercial interests and lost in the cacophony of modern food production. Harvest of Deception is here to tell that story.

Why Dive into The Harvest of Deception?

1. A Genuine Narrative:

Rooted in Texas Slim’s personal experiences and fueled by a passion for change, our publication takes you on a journey through the heart of America's agricultural industry. From the bunkhouses of North Dakota to the vibrant streets of Austin, Texas, witness The Modern-Day Cattleman’s firsthand accounts on the ranch and beyond.

2. Empowering Knowledge:

As the modern food system grows increasingly complex, Harvest of Deception sheds light on the challenges, realities, and deceptions that plague the industry. By understanding the origin of our food and the intricate processes behind its production, you'll be empowered to make more informed and ethical choices.

3. Bridging Gaps:

Our story aim to bridge the widening gap between producers and consumers. In an age where food often travels thousands of miles before reaching our plates, we're here to remind you of the human touch, the toil, and the dedication behind every morsel.

4. A Catalyst for Change:

More than just a narrative, The Harvest of Deception is a call to action. We believe that by revealing the deceptions and illuminating the truth, we can inspire a shift towards a more sustainable, ethical, and localized food system.

5. Join a Growing Community:

Engage with a community that's passionate about authenticity, sustainability, and change. Be part of discussions, share insights, and collaborate with like-minded individuals to reshape the future of our food industry.

In Collaboration with Texas Slim's Cuts and The Beef Initiative:

Born from Texas Slim's dedication to the Great American Rancher and The Beef Initiative's commitment to food quality and integrity, The Harvest of Deception serves as a testament to their combined vision. We aim to elevate the voices that often go unheard, championing the stories, insights, and wisdom of those at the heart of our food supply.

Our Commitment:

We pledge to deliver stories that resonate, educate, and challenge the status quo. Our dedication lies in highlighting the deceptive practices overshadowing the true essence of the American rancher and the food they produce.


Join us on this enlightening journey with us. Together, let's unveil the truths hidden within the Harvest of Deception.

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"Harvest of Deception Series" is a literary deep-dive into Texas Slim's exposé on our food system. From the Texas Panhandle to Austin's tech scene, Texas Slim uncovers how the Industrial Food Complex exploits us all.


Texas Slim's Cuts Publishing elevates the voice of The Great American Rancher in the contemporary food ecosystem. Our mission is to provide authentic storytelling that increases visibility while rallying support for this iconic figure.